We are one of the few Indian companies that can provide services related to patent protection and enforcement in India.
A patent is an intellectual property right to make, use, or sell an invention for a limited period of 20 years. A patent is granted to a company upon disclosure of a technical invention, which may be a product (system/apparatus/device) or a process (method/manufacture) or both, and which is new or new and which is an advanced step or technology. Scientific advances demonstrate existing technology.
Our team of unparalleled patent attorneys and technical experts with strong technical and legal backgrounds work in biomedical devices, machinery, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, life sciences, chemical sciences, energy, manufacturing, automotive and software. We provide services and strategic vision to clients across all sectors.
This is the patent owner's legal right to his/her new invention, which can be classified as a new process or product. The patent owner has the following exclusive legal rights in the technology for which the patent was issued